Kidney Failure

Treatment for Kidney Failure at Just Cats Veterinary Clinic

No matter how independent and robust your cat may seem, a variety of conditions seriously can reduce his health and even threaten his life. Kidney disease is one such problem, especially when it progresses to kidney failure. It's critical to treat any kidney issues in your cat as carefully and effectively as possible to ensure optimal length and quality of life. That's why you should bring your kitty to Just Cats Veterinary Clinic in Fredericksburg, VA. We can diagnose kidney disease and manage your cat's condition.

Treatment for Kidney Failure at Just Cats Veterinary Clinic

The Causes and Effects of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease may occur in cats for a number of reasons. Chronic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, frequent kidney infections, urinary blockages, and heart disease can make your cat vulnerable to kidney damage, which may worsen gradually until kidney failure finally sets in. Periodontal disease is another factor, caused by oral bacteria that migrate to the kidneys and other major organs. Kidney failure can also be acute in nature. Ingestion of poisonous substances or food toxins can do sudden, severe damage to the kidneys. A traumatic accident that causes internal injuries can also cause the kidneys to fail suddenly and dramatically.

Recognizing the signs of kidney disease can help you take quicker action to arrange for the necessary treatment. Symptoms of kidney disease in cats include:

    • Frequent urination
    • Increased water consumption
    • Cloudy, bloody, or brown urine
    • Bad breath
    • Constipation or diarrhea

In a case of acute kidney failure, your cat will become very sick in a hurry, and may not produce any urine at all. This should be your cue to rush your pet to our clinic for emergency care.

How Our Cat Veterinary Center Can Help

Our cat veterinary center has seen and dealt with many cases of chronic and acute kidney problems in cats over the years, so rest assured that your cat is in good hands. We will perform a thorough physical exam to track down any underlying disease or disorder that may have caused chronic kidney failure. We can also treat emergency conditions such as toxic ingestion or acute urinary blockages in an effort to save your pet's life. Kidney disease can often be managed through special diets, medications, plenty of water, and regular veterinary exams. We will also treat the underlying causes and contributing factors such as hypertension or diabetes.

Secure a Happier Life for Your Fredericksburg, VA, Feline

Give your cat the best possible chance to enjoy his life, even in the face of kidney failure. Call (540) 899-3644 to learn more and schedule treatment!

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